
Problems for the portal users with logging in to the Check Udvej Business Portal.

2. Nov 2023 kl. 14:47
We are currently experiencing problems for the portal users with logging in to the Check Udvej Business Portal.

We have identified the inappropriateness and hope it will be resolved by Wednesday, November 8, 2023 at the latest.

Once this is resolved, we will produce a description of how the portal users can once again access the Business Portal for their respective companies.

All check-ins and 'missing check out' journeys should still be available after the correction has been made.

All card users who have received permission to use Check Udvej for a Rejsekort Corporate can still do this via the Check Udvej app or alternatively the registration website at checkud.rejsekort.dk.

New card users who have not yet received permission can request, but unfortunately portal users cannot access the business portal and grant permission. After 7 days, requests will be automatically rejected if the portal users have not taken a stand.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

With best regards

Rejsekort Customer Service